- Myriam Thyes – Contemporary Art – Homepage
- Biography
- About my work – artist statement
- Imprint
- Privacy Policy
- Contact
- Online profiles and collaborations
- Screenings / Artist Talks / Workshops
- Works in collections
- List of Artworks
- Sitemap
- Portraits + Writings about Myriam Thyes
- Videography
- Bibliography
- Press
- We Still Had To Curtsy
- First Aid - Test Series 1-10
- More Gas! The Tsarmakers
- Mon Ami Bleu
- I Still Had To Curtsy
- The 99th Letter
- Pillnitz Chinoiserie 21
- First Aid – Test Series 1
- Smart Pantheon RGB
- Trisolaris Chinoiserie
- Rapiebar Enraptured Hingerissen
- Zurich Scenes
- Pinball Altar
- Graceful Other
- Mutable Worlds
- Cross and Plane to Space
- Neo + Trinity Meet Jung @ Prime Tower Zürich
- Gallery of Heroic Women
- All Joy Wants Eternity
- Graceful Allegories
- Lines at War
- Cross and Plane to Space
- Smart Tunnel
- Smart Pantheon
- Sophie Taeuber-Arp's Vanishing Lines
- Analytical Daydream No. 4: Fountain
- Apotheosis of Glasgow High-rises
- Doll De/Construction
- Flag Metamorphoses
- Global Vulva Plates
- Global Vulva Flags
- Can't See The Universe (After Tiepolo)
- After Tiepolo
- Analytical Daydream No. 3: Toyshop
- Analytical Daydream No. 2: Tabloid For Free
- Analytical Daydream No. 1: Commuter Railway Station
- Zürich Video Tags
- Janus Goddess Flies Over Malta
- From Art Colony Galichnik with Love (Macedonia 2010)
- Magnify Malta
- Patagonia - no network in paradise
- Ascension + Depression Marquis
- Glasgow Styles
- Global Vulva
- Armament at Lake Constance
- Malta as Metaphor
- Relationship Patterns
- Stranded in Malta
- Restoration
- Multiple Madonna
- Heroic Virility
- Virtual Therapy
- Migration Flags
- Caribbean Carnivals
- Cloudy Empire
- The Matrix at Lake Zurich
- Mutable Worlds
- Relationship Patterns
- Small Permissions (at La Défense)
- Instant Salvation
- A Little Meditation
- Sarah
- Wishes and Warnings in the Wind II
- Sil Herself
- Wishes and Warnings in the Wind
- Who Murdered Maria?
- Variations on a Weltanschauung
- Déconstructions Européennes
- Mummy Without A Universe
- Desire of Men
- (Nicht) Unser Krieg
- #stayathome
- 100 Years of World Transition
- Anke Landschreiber and Myriam Thyes, Art in the Office of Representatives
- Are You Here With US?
- Artists’ Conquest
- As Large As Life
- B.A.R.O.C.K.
- Baroque Promises and Constructive Doubts
- Can’t See The Universe
- CONNECT. Art Between Media and Reality
- Déconstructions Européennes
- Die Geste (The Gesture)
- Digital Gods
- Doppelzimmer (Double Rooms)
- Enigma della Modernità
- Erste Hilfe : First Aid
- Felix Thyes – Ad Infinitum
- Flag Metamorphoses
- Flag Metamorphoses
- Flag Metamorphoses
- Flag Metamorphoses – on the big screen!
- From Here Until Now
- Glasgow Styles
- Glasgow Styles / Magnify Malta
- Glasgow Styles / Magnify Malta
- HEK Net Works
- Images Against Darkness
- IN THE FOREIGN. Aspects of Migration
- Infinite Encounters
- Kunstfilmtage Dusseldorf
- Kunstlauf (Art Walk) Meilen
- Les Düsseldorfs
- Malta As Metaphor
- Motion To Space
- Mutable Worlds
- Myriam Thyes
- Myriam Thyes
- Myriam Thyes
- Myriam Thyes – Relationship Patterns
- Myriam Thyes – Beyond Glasgow
- Myriam Thyes – Close-up
- Myriam Thyes – Transformations
- Myriam Thyes – Variations about an Ideology
- Myriam Thyes : Video Artworks
- No Swimming – 3rd Wave
- Nothing to Declare
- Open Doors – The Situation of Contemporary Art
- OSTRALE’012 – Homegrown
- Rapiebar Enraptured Hingerissen
- Rapport
- Raumwelten (Space Worlds)
- Same Same But Different
- SHARE PRIZE – Real Time / Real Space
- Showcase CBK (Center for Visual Art)
- Songs of the Swamp
- SPACE 42. Dusseldorf Positions
- Speeded Up Flags and Slowed Down Heroes
- Strictly Public @ Transmediale.04 – Fly Utopia!
- STRICTLY PUBLIC: Artscreen 2000
- STRICTLY PUBLIC: Artscreen 2001
- STRICTLY PUBLIC: artworks!
- Täuschungen (Delusions)
- The Matrix at Lake Zurich
- The Secret Life of Things
- Timeloop – 40 Years of Video Art in Germany
- Treibhaus 6
- Unheard. How the Vulva Is Making Itself Heard Today!
- Variation
- Video Vortex #8
- presents: Myriam Thyes – Global Vulva
- Videolounge of the imai Foundation
- Virtual Therapy
- VIS-A-VIS. Meeting point collection
- Wishes and Warnings in the Wind
- Wishes and Warnings in the Wind II
- Yesterday – Tomorrow