Until the 1970s in Germany, girls had to curtsy and boys had to do a servant; some rarely and on the side, other children under strict observation and in front of all adults. For girls in particular, this was often humiliating. In this circular video, ten women curtsy in memory of their childhood. The texts quote some of their comments on curtsying.
Thanks to: Maria Anna Dewes, Margret Eicher, Dorothea Gelker, Ingrid Herrndorf, Stephanie Jaeckel, Gudrun Kemsa, Karoline Künkler, Ulrike Münchhoff, Edith Oellers, Ute Reeh.
The video (German version) was created for the exhibition SYMPTOM : BAROCK at Eutin Castle 2023. It was projected onto the stucco ceiling above two thrones.
Festivals and Awards
- Work description, PDF (1 MB)
- Rahel Beyerle, 2023, Myriam Thyes' artworks referring to the Baroque (PDF, 3 MB)
Myriam Thyes : Video Artworks Solo ExhibitionEmbassy of Luxembourg, Maison du LuxembourgBerlinGermany
09.01.2025 – 04.02.2025 -
SYMPTOM : BAROQUE Group ExhibitionEutin CastleEutinGermany
10.06.2023 – 08.10.2023
Groups of Works: Neo-Baroque
Categories: Concept of Woman, Related to Baroque Art