Ascension + Depression Marquis

2004 / 2009video diptych

DEPRESSION MARQUIS (2009, 2:23): The glass elevator at the luxurious hotel Marriott Marquis in New York rides down – the long ride ends in glacier ice. A metaphor for depressions which can affect people living in abundance.

ASCENSION (2004, 1:11): The glass elevator at the luxurious hotel Marriott Marquis in New York brings you to “heaven” … We are brought up and tought to strive for higher things – success, wealth, honour, and/or spiritual enlightenment. ASCENSION shows – in a brief and ironic way – this aspiration and its compensation. 

In the video diptych or 2 channel installation, the elevator rides in opposite directions. Ascension is running twice during one presentation of Depression Marquis.

ASCENSION has been part of  videoDictionary since 2004, and in this context the video has been screened and exhibited several times internationally.

Festivals and Awards



