
Artistic Interventions in Caputh Palace and in the Wunderkammer Olbricht

27.04.2019 – 31.10.2019Group ExhibitionCaputh Palace, Schwielowsee, and Wunderkammer Olbricht, me Collectors RoomBerlinGermany

B.A.R.O.C.K. shows artistic interventions by Margret Eicher, Luzia Simons, Rebecca Stevenson and Myriam Thyes. The two exhibitions conceived by Margret Eicher and Mark Gisbourne are based on the experience of cultural symptoms that characterize the current psycho-political situation of a globalised world and were equally present during the baroque era. Just like in the 17th century, today we experience complex societal, religious, and political distortions that correlate with each other and have in the recent years developed into a pre-apocalyptic world feeling.

In the age of baroque, the art was an emphatic and thrilling visualization of such a world experience and attitude towards life. Baroque and contemporary art derives its effect by an aesthetic and contentual overcoming of the normative and by playing with the borders of the representable. The experience of a worldwide, partially virtual war, the destructive hubris of the financial markets, and the fear of the downfall of the civilization – all these scenarios that action movies and computer games have long claimed their own – evoke new memento mori images and the call to stand still. Responding to the space of the Caputh Castle and the display cabinets of the Olbricht Wunderkammer, the four artists create works that beautifully incorporate the contemporary return to the ideas and images of transience (vanitas). The artists use and modify symbols and metaphors in a sensual evocation of the simultaneity of beauty and loss, the vague stability of things and the predictability of the downfall.


B.A.R.O.C.K. Artistic Interventions in Caputh Palace. With essays by Mark Gisbourne and Samuel Wittwer, designed by Margret Eicher. DE/EN. Publisher: Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg, Edition Cantz, 2019. ISBN 978-3-947563-31-9




  • Portal Kunstgeschichte, about B.A.R.O.C.K. at Caputh Palace, online, 23 Oct. 2019
  • taz, "Ins Barock geschmuggelt", Berlin, 17 Aug. 2019
  • Der Tagesspiegel, "Schau auf Schloss Caputh: Wo Lara Croft Minerva trifft", Berlin, 2 Aug. 2019
  • Artmapp, about B.A.R.O.C.K. at Caputh Palace, July 2019
  • mp3 - Radio Potsdam, "Schau auf Schloss Caputh: Wo Lara Croft Minerva trifft", 14 June 2019.
  • Radio Arty, Flux FM Berlin, Margret Eicher + Myriam Thyes in conversation with „Yaneq“ Jan Kage, 2 May 2019
  • SisterMag No. 47, B.A.R.O.C.K. Artistic Interventions, April 2019 (PDF)


Caputh Palace
Caputh / Schwielowsee
website of Caputh Palace

me Collectors Room Berlin (closed since March 2020)
page about the Wunderkammer Olbricht


Shown Works