Myriam Thyes – Close-up

18.09.2021 – 17.10.2021Solo ExhibitionNeuer Kunstverein (NKVR)RegensburgGermany

At Kunstverein Regensburg, Myriam Thyes showed a video and a photo series (Smart Pantheon and Smart Tunnel) that focus on an everyday gesture: Hands of different people using their smartphones. Their screens do not show apps. Instead, once more we see sensually moving hands, holding smartphones, revealing them to be the amulets of our time: We cling to them, and they show us the way. The photomontages and the video are intercut to create something like a visual vortex. Another photo series, Doll DeConstruction, also focuses on the quotidian. In another close-up, we see two saleswomen changing the clothes on a male mannequin. To do so, they must disassemble it, which they clearly enjoy doing. The photographs show constructivist and surrealist-looking details of this “deconstruction”. The video Pinball Altar directs our gaze to three pinball machines playing simultaneously next to each other.

Opening: 18 Sep. 2021. Reception: Renate Haimerl Brosch (NKVR) and Maria Lang (Cultural Department, City of Regensburg). Introduction: Michael Staab (Cologne) in dialogue with Myriam Thyes. 8:30 pm: Outdoor screening featuring further works by Myriam Thyes.



Neuer Kunstverein Regensburg
Schwanenplatz 4
93047 Regensburg

Shown Works