The illusionism of baroque and concrete art, the real world and constructivism, mediumistic gospel and societal reality – Myriam Thyes uses her art to make ruptures and connections visible. She looks at both historical events as well as the modern society, in which visual and social cultures flow into each other. This crossover is expressed by the artist in photographs, collages, and video works. In the latter, she utilizes the suggestive potential of new media, animation, and contemporary 3D technologies to explore her ideas. Shapes and motives that float through space and at the viewer and overlap, dissolve, and form anew, allowing for a spectacular experience of the proximity between different ideological and cosmic worldviews.
- Kunstmuseum Ahlen, Exhibition Archive.
- Invitation Card, PDF (117 kb, German)
- Press Release Kunstmuseum Ahlen, PDF (144 kb, German)
- Room texts to the works, PDF (130 kb, German)
- Exhibition views, PDF (7 mb, German)
- Geteilte Wirklichkeit, Stadtanzeiger Ahlen, 2. Juni 2019. (jpg)
- Klassische Malerin trifft Medienkünstlerin, Westfälische Nachrichten, 1. Juni 2019. (jpg)
- Folienmädchen und Handyspiele, Westfälischer Anzeiger + Soester Anzeiger, 1. Juni 2019. (pdf)
- Bildstörungen mehr als ein Intermezzo, Westfälische Nachrichten, 1. Juni 2019. (pdf)
- Eher schwergewichtig als leicht, Westfälische Nachrichten (Ahlen lokal), 1. Juni 2019. (jpg)
- Teilen und „Teilen", WDR 5, Scala, Peter Backof, 31. Mai 2019. Link zur Website.
Kunstmuseum Ahlen
Museumsplatz 1 / Weststraße 94a
59227 Ahlen
Baroque Promises and Constructive Doubts – Video documentation about the exhibition (7:17 min) By clicking the image or the video link you accept the Vimeo privacy policy.
Shown Works
After Tiepolo (2013)
Cross and Plane to Space (2017)
Cross and Plane to Space (2019)
Doll De/Construction (2014)
From Art Colony Galichnik with Love (Macedonia 2010) (2011)
Gallery of Heroic Women (2018-2019)
Lines at War (2017-2018)
Magnify Malta (2010)
Neo + Trinity Meet Jung @ Prime Tower Zürich (2014-2019)
Smart Pantheon (2016)
Smart Tunnel (2017)
Sophie Taeuber-Arp's Vanishing Lines (2015)
Can't See The Universe (After Tiepolo) (2013)